Querecho Plains, Lea County
New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization supporting and advocating for New Mexico’s 42 health councils and their community partners. The Alliance offers training, coordination, convening, opportunities for collaboration, and advocacy in support of health councils’ role in promoting community health.
New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils humbly recognizes and acknowledges we are on unceded territory and ancestral lands of the original peoples of New Mexico’s Pueblos, Apache Nations, and the Navajo Nation. Together, we acknowledge the history of genocide, dispossession, colonization and ongoing systemic inequities, while strengthening and respecting relationships with Indigenous peoples.
We give thanks to the past, present and future stewards of this land and respect all tribal nation's sovereignty. In offering this Land Acknowledgment, we affirm Indigenous resiliency, self -determination, and self-governance of New Mexico’s tribes and nations who are still here today.

Thank you to Presbyterian Health Plan and its Population Health Team for your continued partnership and for making this body of work a reality.
The persistent inequities that impact our country and our community underscore the need for urgent action. We are committed to cultivating an environment that supports open dialogue on complex and sometimes difficult conversations about inclusion and diversity. In 2019, Presbyterian embarked on a formalized journey to address health equity in our communities and for our patients and members. To achieve health equity, we seek to understand how our patients experience health inequities due to structural and social determinants of health. We strive to remove barriers for individuals as we simultaneously seek big-picture, systemic change.

The New Mexico Alliance of Health Council’s Land Acknowledgement Guide and Toolkit were created with the support of Alexis Brown (Issi Chunkash) of DH Solutions (formerly Deer Heart Consulting). She is a New Mexico-born citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma who works with small businesses and nonprofits on business development and writing.
DH Solutions honors the many indigenous people who had their lives, land, and culture forcibly taken as well as those who were brought to this land against their will. I grieve for the lives that were lost across the Americas, for those separated from their land and ancestors, and those who continue to suffer. My path of healing is inspired by my ancestors' strength of spirit, astounding resiliency, and commitment to living with compassion for all people. I entreat my ancestors to guide me so my work will always be done in the Chahta spirit.

This project was made possible through the ongoing support of the New Mexico Department of Health.
We work with our partners to promote health and well-being and improve health outcomes for all people in New Mexico. We seek to acknowledge systemic racism and the social determinants of health to eliminate disparities by addressing and promoting health equity among all people in every community in New Mexico.
We strive to provide equitable health opportunities by building relationships with communities, establishing collaborations with care providers and forging partnerships with stakeholders to provide quality services in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. These measures focus on ensuring all New Mexicans, especially in rural and under-served areas and borderlands, have increased opportunities to be healthy and promote the public health mission of the NMDOH.

This project was done in conjunction with the New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils’ Health Equity & Community Rebuilding Initiative, done with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. For more than 70 years, they have put science into action to help children stay healthy so they can grow and learn; to help families, businesses, and communities fight disease and stay strong; and to protect the public’s health.