Collaborative Forum
Our goal is to connect, learn from each other, and explore areas of alignment and potential collaboration to enhance our capacity to serve communities more effectively.
Join the quarterly Community Collaborative Forum to learn from your local community through County and Tribal Health Councils, Local Behavioral Health Collaboratives, and Early Childhood Coalitions. Together, we will explore ways to collaborate for a healthy and thriving New Mexico.
This forum will provide a valuable opportunity for us to:
Learn more about your local community coalitions (County & Tribal Health Councils and Early Childhood Education Coalition) and successful collaborations
Breakdown silos and explore alignments for potential collaborations
Utilize Break-Out session to identify innovative solutions to maximize our capacity and resources for collective impact
Foster stronger relationships and cross-sectoral partnerships in service of communities across the state
We believe that by working together, we can achieve greater outcomes and make a meaningful and significant difference in the lives of those we serve.
The Community Collaborative Forum was seeded by NMAHC in 2023, and together with the NM Public Health Association, Early Childhood Education & Care Dept., Behavioral Health Division, & Health Promotion Managers serve as the planning committee.
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