Advancing Health Equity Together, for a Healthy and Thriving New Mexico!

We stand at a pivotal moment in our unified vision for an equitable and healthy New Mexico. It's time to take bold action and invest in our public health advocacy in support of New Mexico’s County & Tribal Health Councils, a critical function of public health in services of communities statewide.

Thanks to your support, NMAHC successfully sourced $3M in one time state funding for Health Councils’ to continue their vital work. Thought year-round advocacy efforts we are enlisting the Government to reinstate recurring optimal funding to leverage Health Councils’ instrumental work and impact.  

We invite you to invest in our crucial work for building a brighter and healthier New Mexico now and for generations to come.

Contributions can be sent to:

New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils 
223 N Guadalupe St. BOx 832
Santa Fe NM 87501

Advance Health Equity by Investing in Statewide Advocacy Movement

Invest in lasting change: The Alliance is dedicated to leading statewide advocacy effort for advancing health equity and transforming communities. Together with County & Tribal Health Councils and key partners we are working to ensure that everyone—no matter their background, location, or income—has the opportunity to live a healthy and thriving life. By supporting the Alliance’s year-round advocacy strategies, public health solutions, and systems collaboration, you empower a movement that addresses disparities, centers and amplifies community voices, and drives equitable health policies for a healthy New Mexico, now and for generations to come.

Join us in championing health equity—your investment today will make a powerful and meaningful impact statewide.


NMAHC is tackling New Mexico’s public health challenges by supporting County and Tribal Health Councils, a critical function of public health in concert with key partners, serving communities and improving population health statewide. As the backbone organization to Health Councils, the Alliance provides year-round advocacy, systems collaboration and networking opportunities, and informs policies for advancing health equity.

In 2024, NMAHC's advocacy efforts led to a historic $3 million state allocation for Health Councils in fiscal year 2025 (July 2024 - May 2025) — a 450% increase and the first major investment in over 13 years. However, the Alliance’s year-round advocacy efforts is enlisting the Executive Branch and Legislators to reinstate recurring optimal funding to leverage Health Councils’ instrumental role and impact, fortifying public health statewide.

With Your Investment, we can ensure Health Councils’ meaningful work is valued and state investments are sustained.


As a result of COVID-19 (CDC/ WK Kellogg) grant ending in May 2024, NMAHC is facing a funding cliff BUT with your investment, you are empowering the Alliance to continue our statewide and year-round advocacy, support for Health Councils, and public health systems collaboration work that impacts the health and well-being of New Mexicans.

The Alliance is uniquely positioned as a crucial partner in addressing the complexities of health equity challenges and driving transformative change in New Mexico’s public health systems.

Through our multidisciplinary approach, we leverage evidence-based strategies and solution-driven collaborations to support Health Councils and key partners to tackle pressing health issues and advance health equity, at both the local and system level. 

Let’s catalyze public health in New Mexico together!

Your contribution today
will make a lasting difference.

By investing in NMAHC, funders have the opportunity to:

  • ADVANCE HEALTH EQUITY: At the heart of the Alliance's mission is a commitment to advancing health equity and addressing health disparities. Your investment will ensure core services and training opportunities are available to support Health Councils capacity building, organizational development, prevention and intervention services, coordination and collaboration for ensuring access to essential services and systems of care, and advocacy and policy.

  • STATEWIDE ADVOCACY: Expand the Alliances’ capacity to continue its public health systems advocacy, increasing Health Councils’ reach and engagement, community mobilization in support of Health Councils, and ensiling the Government to reinstate recurring optimal funding to leverage this critical function of public health. And together deliver tangible results that improve the health and well-being of communities across New Mexico.

  • DRIVE INNOVATION: Since 2015, the Alliance has been committed to driving innovation in public health through research and policy, technology (, leading public health systems collaboration and actionable strategies such as the Community Collaborative Forum, enhancing our collective efforts in breaking down silos and increasing our capacity to serve communities more effectively.

  • FOSTER SUSTAINABILITY: Contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Alliance and its mission delivery. Your support enables us to build our internal capacity, strengthen key partnerships, enhance our advocacy portfolio, ensure core services in support of Health Councils, and adapt and respond to evolving health needs.

  • STATEWIDE EMERGENCY RESPONSE: During COVID-19, the Alliance and Health Councils were critical partners in emergency response coordination, from public health communication dissemination for prevention and intervention, to collaborating with state agencies and Tribal leadership in service of rural, urban, border, and Tribal communities across our state. This continues to be a critical need in public health as we seek to be better equipped to address the intersection of health, climate, and food security.