Vaccine Event Resources
Is your Health Council sponsoring or helping plan a COVID-19 Vaccination Event? Rio Arriba County has put together a checklist of questions to answer as you plan your event. The questions on this checklist would also be helpful for Health Councils who are providing support to an existing vaccine event. There are so many things to take under consideration, and you can also use this checklist to generate ideas about activities and support you can provide to help bolster an existing event. Thank you to Rio Arriba Health Council for sharing this great resource!
Are you planning a vaccine event at or in collaboration with schools? 100% Communities has prepared this list of of special thing to take into consideration for school-based vaccine events.
Supplement your vaccine planning with this checklist you can use to keep track of activities and needs for your vaccination event. Thank you to 100% Communities for sharing this checklist.
Are you planning to provide vaccines to people under 18 at your vaccine event? Download this consent form NMDOH for minors, and make sure you allow adequate time for parents to return the consent form before your event. DOH also allows consent to be obtained over the phone at your event.
Consent should also be obtained to administer vaccines to adults. While you won’t need to do this in advance of the event, you can print and distribute the NMDOH Consent for adults by clicking the link below.